Synology Blinking Blue Light [Troubleshooting Guide]
When it comes to data management, Synology NAS is one of most preferred devices by people. It facilitates the user to manage his/her data seamlessly and reliably. All, thanks to its amazing features like Synology Hyper backup. But, being a gadget, it can also fall victim to various issues. The Synology blinking blue light issue is one of them which have discomforted numerous users.
In this post, we will try to highlight the solutions that can help you troubleshoot the issue. Let’s start this troubleshooting guide by understanding the reasons behind the issue. This is because no matter whether you’re a first-time user or have owned a NAS device for years, getting aware of the root cause will help you uproot it more effectively. So, can we start the quest to bring your Synology NAS back on the track?
Reasons Why Synology DSM is Flashing Blue
Like other devices, the light on your Synology NAS conveys a message regarding the working condition. This is for your information that when the DiskStation flashes blue light, it is a sign that the device is being booted up or is getting powered down. However, when the blue light stays for a longer period, it signifies a problem that could have occurred due to following reasons:
1. Power Failure
There are chances that the Synology blinking blue light issue has shown up because of a power interruption or failure. You might be well aware of the thing that every device boots up after the power is restored after an outage. So, there is a possibility that your Synology NAS is going through the boot-up process.
2. Firmware Issues
Perhaps, the firmware of your device has become outdated or corrupted. We want to tell you that when there are firmware-related issues with the Synology NAS, it is most likely to behave abnormally. Thus, they also play a prominent role in making your NAS storage device flash the blue light again and again.
3. Fault in Hardware Connections
May be the cables attached to your Synology NAS are loose or damaged. That is why you are seeing the blue hue on it. Not only this but faulty/damaged power adapters are also likely to mess up with the normal boot-up sequence of the NAS. Additionally, hardware components like hard drives or RAM modules are also responsible for disturbing boot-up sequence.
We think we have successfully laid the foundation for effective troubleshooting. Let us now focus on the techniques that need to followed in order to resolve the Synology NAS blue light issue.
Resolved: Synology Blinking Blue Light
Prior to jumping into a specific technique, it should be kept in mind that it will be like the elimination method. Each potential cause is supposed to be checked methodically and isolate the one that might not have plotted the issue. Here’s what you need to do to get the issue resolved:
1. Power Cycle the NAS
Since it was clearly mentioned that the Synology blinking blue light issue is a sign that the device is stuck in a boot loop, you are suggested to power cycle the NAS. You are supposed to simply power off your DiskStation by pressing the power button or by accessing the login address. After that disconnect the power adapter and wait for 15-10-20 seconds for a complete power cycle. Lastly, you are supposed to plug the power adapter and switch on the DSM. Precisely have a look at the startup sequence and see changes in the LED.
2. Check Cable Connections
Have a look at the cables involved in the connection and inspect them. All the cables including power, Ethernet, and peripheral must be examined. If any of them are found damaged, you should get them replaced with new one. And yes, be very sure that the cables are plugged securely into their respective ports. The power adapter as well as the power socket is also supposed to function correctly. Do not forget to check network switch or router (if applicable).
3. Update the Firmware
As the outdated firmware was also the reason behind the issue in discussion, it is suggested to install the latest firmware version on NAS. For this download Synology Assistant and log in to your DiskStation Manager. Now, you are required to go to the Control Panel and select Update and Restore. Choose latest DSM updates and apply them if available. However, you might need to reinstall DSM if things do not go well.
To Sum Up
By going through these steps thoroughly, you will be able to fix the Synology blinking blue light issue easily. Before we wrap up, we want you check for Disk Errors and address them in case they exist. This will ensure normal working of your Synology NAS.